
a collection of virtual shrines dedicated to individuals who hold a great deal of influence over me and mean a lot to me personally.


nine inch nails fansite that the webmaster is currently letting rest. it's been inactive for a number of years now but it is home to so many fun resources to explore; fonts, wallpapers, music videos, bootleg artwork/photography; i love looking at the album artwork, and not to mention numerous professional photoshoots of trent from the 90s. i've also downloaded fonts from here and used them on my website!

graphics gallery

a miscellaneous collection of gifs and graphics i've found online! i find so many random images and i'd love a place to display them, even if i don't have much of a use for them elsewhere on my website. they can still be enjoyed this way!

my graphics

a collection of gifs and graphics that i've made over the years.